Company Profile



IPB provides the following services to clients:-

Risk Management
Risk Management computer software
Property Valuations
Annual Report and Review on Insurances
Claims Handling Service
Inspection and advice on the insurances of contractors
Assistance in the preparation of Safety Statements
Risk Management and Insurance Seminars


We underwrite all the main classes of covers for our Members, including;

  • Public Liability
  • Employers Liability
  • Property Damage and Business Interruption.
  • Motor
  • Money
  • Fidelity Guarantee
  • Theft
  • Professional Indemnity
  • Administrative Negligence
Risk Management

We would view Risk Management as an essential tool for all our clients, irrespective of their size, activities or budgets. In the past we have issued comprehensive Risk Management reports for Local Authorities, Health Boards and Vocational Education Committees and we provide a backup service to tailor these to the needs of individual members. We sit on Risk Management Committees that have been established in various Authorities and participate in the Local Authority Safety Advisors' Group, the Clinical Risk Managers' Forum, the Fire Committee of the National Safety Council, the Health and Safety Authority Advisory Committee on the Health Services and the Health and Safety Authority Advisory Committee on the Education Sector.

Risk Management Computer Software

We provide, without additional charge, a software package that allows clients to record and analyse all incidents, accidents, claims and near misses. The compilation of a database of such incidents is an essential in implementing a structured risk management programme in any organisation.

Property Valuation

Our in-house Quantity Surveyor is available to carry out insurance valuations on all insured properties. This ensures that all policies are tailor made to meet the needs of individual Members and avoids the problem of underinsurance in the event of a claim

Annual Reports and Review

We provide a Report on all insurances to each Client annually. This Report sets out, in summary form, details of all the covers arranged. We comment on the extent of the cover in force and make recommendations on appropriate improvements, if necessary. These Reports are then followed up by review and service calls by IPB personnel.

Claims Handling

As Insurers we investigate, handle and settle all claims covered under our policies. In addition we can provide a comprehensive claims handling service for all uninsured losses for our members.


IPB will examine and report on the adequacy of the insurance covers arranged by contractors engaged by our Members. We have, over the past number of years, compiled reports on many contractors who carry out public works contracts and details of these reports are available to you on a separate section of this website.

Safety Statement

IPB provides assistance to clients in the preparation of Safety
The Company developed the first model Safety Statement for Local
Authorities, Health Boards and for Vocational Education Committees.

Risk Management and Insurance Seminars

IPB organise various seminars and workshops on insurance, claims and risk management related topics. Subjects covered in the past include Health & Safety legislation, Contract Conditions, Claims Investigation, Risk Management, Plant Hire, Record Keeping in Hospitals, etc.


Irish Public Bodies Mutual Insurances Ltd, 12-14 Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2
Tel.: 01 6395 500 Fax.: 01 6395 510 Email: info@ipb.ie
Reg. No. 7532 Republic of Ireland
Quality Accreditation - NSAI