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What is a safety culture?

Every organisation should have a coherent policy, which is committed to the prevention of accidents and ill health at work. The policy should indicate that good standards of safety, health and welfare are a corporate aim and are integrated into the mainstream of the organisation and managed in the same way as other matters vital to the operation of the organisation.

The policy needs to be underpinned by a culture, which promotes occupational safety, health and welfare. This culture represents a mix of shared values, attitudes and patterns of behaviour that give the organisation its particular character.

How to promote a safety culture


Safety must be managed.

  • A senior manager should co-ordinate, monitor and implement the policy. The initiative should be seen to be led from the top down (Chief Executive level).
  • Responsibilities should be clearly defined from top management downwards.
  • Safety responsibilities should be achievable, objective and measurable.
  • Occupational safety, health and welfare training should be considered for managers.
  • Job descriptions should include a reference to safety, health and welfare at work.


Participation and involvement of employees in safety arrangements encourages ownership of safety, health and welfare policies at all levels.

  • Employees need to understand the importance and relevance of safety control measures.
  • They must also understand the risks associated with their work-related activities and facilities.
  • Employees should be consulted and
  • Information on relevant risks should be communicated to them.


Communication involves both internal and external communications.

A system should be in place to ensure that management and staff receive:
  • Information on occupational safety, health and welfare legislation, regulations, standards, codes of practice and manufacturers’ and suppliers’ data on safety, health and welfare information related to machinery, equipment and hazardous substances.


The 2005 Act defined a competent person as one who, having regard to the task he or she is required to perform and taking account of the size or hazards (or both of them) of the undertaking or establishment in which he or she undertakes work, the person possesses sufficient training, experience and knowledge appropriate to the nature of the work to be undertaken.

All employees and management must have the expertise and resources necessary to make the maximum contribution to safety, health and welfare. This can be achieved through:

  • Recruitment and placement procedures, which ensure employees, have the necessary mental and physical aptitude to perform their jobs safely. Induction training for new employees is particularly important.
  • Systems to identify occupational safety, health and welfare training needs
  • Arrangements to cover for staff absence, particularly those with crucial safety, health and welfare responsibilities.
  • Safety training which is built into every stage of the job
  • Training managers and supervisors in safety, health and welfare.

Managing Risks and Monitoring Performance

Management and appropriate staff should also be suitably advised and trained in the skills of risk management. This training should include the ability to identify hazards, assess risks and consider appropriate control options.

There should be a system for measuring safety performance

  • Systems should be regularly monitored.
  • Management should ensure the systems are achieving their objectives, are the best available, are up to date, and are in line with legislative requirements and best practice.
  • The quality of accident information is vital. Causation data and sectoral analysis is invaluable.
  • Data on accidents should include potentially dangerous occurrences.

Irish Public Bodies Mutual Insurances Ltd, 12-14 Lower Mount Street, Dublin 2
Tel.: 01 6395 500 Fax.: 01 6395 510 Email: info@ipb.ie
Reg. No. 7532 Republic of Ireland
Quality Accreditation - NSAI